According to Wabi-sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers By Leonard Koren, "Wabi Sabi is a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It is the beauty of things modest and humble. It is the beauty of things unconventional." I learned about Wabi Sabi the January of 2010 in a class of Contemplative Writing in Berea Kentucky and on day and overnight trips in Kentucky. I even named my cat Wabi Sabi, though he was short lived. Now I have a cat named Pickle who is perfect in most ways. (Funny that my first cat ever was named Purrfect.)

I have been reading about Wabi Sabi for two years, but I don't think I understand the concept quite yet. To top it, I recently started philosophizing about this whole other subject: what Wabi Sabi isn't. Man am I opening a can of worms with this one.

I would like your opinion on two pictures a day. You have to say one is Wabi Sabi and one simply isn't. Saying it isn't either Wabi Sabi or not is simply not an option.

So first we have a picture I am titling Pickle the cat.

Next there is a picture of Mom who came down in the backyard to rescue me from the storm last night.

Vote in the form of a comment and let me know if you get confused or have questions. Have a Wabi Sabi day!